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Table of Contents
  1. Official
  2. Third-party

Scripts are standalone programs that can interact with stash either through graphql queries or by directly editing stash’s database/files.

To install a script follow the script’s install instructions.

Scripts are separated into 2 sections:


Official scripts are hosted on CommunityScripts repository. All code is reviewed by core Stash team and any questions or issues you have regarding these scripts can be raised in Discord or GitHub.

Category Plugin Name Description Minimum Stash version
Kodi Kodi Helper Generates nfo and strm for use with Kodi. v0.7
Maintenance Stash Sqlite Renamer Renames your files using stash’s metadata. v0.7


These scripts are created by third parties and not officially affiliated or supported by the core Stash team. If you have issues, please reach out to the original creators.

Category | Plugin | Author | Description

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